Monday, March 13, 2017

Sea Day 1 - Morning: Breakfast and Trivia

Luminae menu:

Grandma Trudy slept in this morning while the rest of us ate breakfast.

We were each served what our waiter called a tiny kapple danish, although it seemed to me to be more of a warm filled donut hole. Aren't danishes always open faced? In any case, it was delicious!

Sweet Pea was looking forward to a caramel croissant, but they only had chocolate today. She made do. Lol.

She had her usual grapefruit half starter.

Ross ordered smoked salmon eggs Benedict. We really missed watching Poppy try to eat three breakfast entrees this time. :)

Sweet Pea also had a yogurt parfait.

I ordered huevos rancheros, but the waiter didn't ask me how I like my eggs and they came out sunny side up. They were just a little too underdone for me. I'll definitely remember to ask for over medium next time.

In general, we have really missed our servers from the Equinox. Sonar, Martina and Bonny were incomparable. The service has been okay, but we were so well taken care of last time that the missteps have been really noticeable.

The overall pacing was much better on the Equinox. The second team there worked together like they were part of a dance, one server always bringing exactly what we wanted when we were ready for it. The service on the Silhouette has just been off. It's like no one is talking to each other.

No one offered lemon or lime slices for our water. We weren't offered bread until after our enters had arrived. We didn't get our intermezzo course.

Also, the drink refills are extremely slow or non-existent. At all three meals, everyone drank their water glasses down to empty and we had to flag someone down to get more. No one remembered that Ross and I were drinking sparkling water instead of still.

I know most of these things are minor details and don't think I would have even noticed them if the team hasn't been so good last time.

After breakfast, Sweet Pea headed to the kids club. Ross tried (unsuccessfully) to get connected to a Skype meeting for work because the Internet is really poor today and I went to a trivia game. I made friends with a couple and their son-in-law. We missed a fee questions but ended up winning. (What do nephologists study? Clouds. Where was speed skating invented? Netherlands.)

Then I picked up a chai from Cafe al Bacio and I went back to the room to enjoy the ocean view from our balcony.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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